Ever get annoyed that you can't use the same key binding for your flying mount and your regular mount? Yeah, me too. Ever accidentally dismount while in mid flight and plunge helplessly into the abyss? Yeah, me too. Solution? Macro! I'd been wondering about this for a while, so I decided to look it up on wowwiki.com. Here it is, plain as day.

/stopmacro [flying]
/use [outdoors,nomounted,flyable] Swift Red Gryphon; [outdoors,nomounted] Black War Ram
/dismount [mounted]
Let's take a look at the pieces, just so you can understand what is going on.
A very simple variable to any macro. For this application, it is going to show the tooltip for either of your mounts, depending on how the rest of the macro interprets your surroundings.

When in Ironforge, it will show the tooltip for my Black War Ram. When in Shattrath, it will show the tooltip for my Swift Red Gryphon.
/stopmacro [flying]
Simple enough. If you are flying, the macro will not execute. I actually removed this from my version because I often do a low fly-by of a mob I want to kill or a vein I want to mine, and enjoy trying to time my dismount so that I land as close as possible.
/use [outdoors,nomounted,flyable] Swift Red Gryphon; [outdoors,nomounted] Black War Ram
The use command is one of the most common among macro aficionados. It's simple, effective, and applies to just about everything. Within the brackets (those left and right square looking thingys) are what we software engineers* like to call "variables" (var-EE-ah-bulls). The only change you need to make here is to replace the red text with the name of your specific mount. To translate for the layperson, this line of the macro says " If I am outdoors, not currently mounted, and in a zone where flyable mounts are allowed, use the Swift Red Gryphon; Otherwise, if I am outdoors and not mounted, use the Black War Ram.
/dismount [mounted]
Finally, the last piece. At first I forgot to put this in, and wondered why the key to which I bound this macro wasn't dismounting me.
And there it is! A very simple, yet extremely time saving macro that anyone and everyone can use. Of course, that is...if you are level 70 and have a flying mount.
*I'm not actually a software engineer anymore...I just work with em and tell em what to do